"Sorry about the noise"

"Sorry about the noise"
"Sorry about the noise"

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

tech post: part 1 (and the mysterious case of the Mondays)

Check out this video Building Airplanes  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2zqTYgcpfg  
How does this relate to integrating technology into your classroom?

I have the sneaking suspicion that this airplane video is suppose to be some kind of a metaphor. Technology in the classroom is a great resource and can allow students to do things that were not thought to be possible...like building an airplane in the air!  Computer resources, smart-boards and even social media sites can turn a boring classroom into an exciting one. Not only does technology make classrooms more exciting, but the technological resources actually strengthens the material.

Are you a native, visitor, or resident?  How do you live your tech life?

Out of the 27 tech things, I was only familiar with 12 of them. So I guess I would consider myself a visitor. While I can easily navigate through most tech-sites, I don’t really pursue them. I use Facebook, gmail, texting and Google docs regularly. I’m sure all the other tech things are great, but if I haven’t used them at this point I don’t see myself doing so any time soon. My goal throughout the day is to use technology when I have to, but not abuse it. If I spend more than an hour on Facebook during the day, I force myself to go outside or watch a movie. Technology can be addicting, so it is important to use it in moderation, or at least for the great good.

Tech Tools to Enhance Student Learning: Visit each site. These are all tools that I have actually used with my students. Think about how you might use each one to reach out to students, parents, or the community.  Write about your favorite three you checked out and how you might use them.  

Of all the wonderful resources available to use, my three favorite are Skype, schooltube and ustream. The running theme between my three favorite is the use of streaming video, either live or recorded. With Skype, the classroom can be anywhere, including the students’ own home. This is especially great if a student misses an extended period of time (illness, death in the family...etc.). While at home, the student could stream live footage of classroom lectures or could have a one on one session with the teacher. Ustream works about the same way. Create lesson plans from home that students can watch anywhere. The fact that Ustream can be linked with Facebook and twitter make it a perfect tool for students to use. Finally, I really like schooltube because it can be used for more than education. My high school hosts annual talent shows and because of schooltube, footage from this years performance can be viewed by all. Schooltube could be used to showcase sports events or academic competitions as well. The possibilities are truly endless.

My Favorite Sites for Your Professional Development :  How do you keep learning about teaching after you leave school?  What is your insight about virtual professional learning? What do you notice about virtual professional development?

The end of college does not signify the end of knowledge. We are always learning and should always be active in the pursuit of knowledge. With the sheer number of books written about education, any student can continue to strengthen their skills long after the diploma enters their hand. As for virtual professional training, I have very little, to no insight in that matter. I’m sure after graduation, I will tap into this new medium for education. I do like the concept like virtual professional learning. It allows experts from all across the planet to share strategies and tips with millions. In a sense, this tool could greatly improve the quality of teaching. I can see this being equally helpful for young, up and coming teachers, and experienced teachers looking to change things up.

Authentic Tasks for Students:  Here are a list of tools that you can use with students to write virtually.  Why is this important?  What are the benefits? The risks?  Tell me about your favorite discoveries.

Virtual writing, essentially, is a lot easier than writing by hand. Ideas flow from your brain down to the fingertips faster and with more ease than when written by hand. Part of this, I believe, is because it is much easier to edit virtual writing than handwritten work. A push of the backspace and no soul will ever know what was written before the font vanishes. Virtual writing is also easier for students because they are doing it constantly in their post school lives. Whether it’s Facebook, instagram or other, virtual writing overlaps with the students interests. As teachers, we should capitalize on that and try to merge the students interest with education. If successful, the benefits will be a more actively engage writing group. Students may be eager to get on the computer and blog about their favorite book. The potential risk of virtual writing is the ease of access to other, distracting sites. With a click, the students can go from being on task to goofing around YouTube. Perhaps my favorite site for virtual writing is Goodreads. I like it for two reasons. The first reason is that students get to share books with their peers. This opens up a whole literary world for students, who may not be aware of the vast number of books out there. Secondly, I enjoy this site because it allows students to articulate and review literature. Without a teacher present, a student can be honest about how they feel. Often in classrooms, students are not allowed to say “Kurt Vonnegut isn't funny” or “Moby Dick is boring.” On Goodreads, students can truly express their opinions.

What Lies Ahead?  Check out what is going on in the teacher-tech world.  Review Jane Hart’s Slideshare Top Tech Tools for Educators 2013 and see what teachers are using around the world.  What do you notice about the tools that educators are using?  Here is the link http://c4lpt.co.uk/top100tools/.

To me, Google docs is one of the greatest tools. Unlike Microsoft word, you can access any paper or document on any computer. I, like most, have forgotten a paper on the day it’s due. If every student used Google docs, that would never happen. The teacher can access the paper from his personal computer. The fact that Google docs is also free makes it all the better. Did I mention Google docs can also be used on smart phones? Need I say more? As previously mentioned, YouTube is more than just a site for watching people fall off trampolines. The educational applications available on YouTube are infinite. Whether it’s a clip from Discovery’s Planet Earth series or a Shakespeare play in its entirety, Shakespeare, YouTube's got your back.

Check out this digital tool version of Bloom’s Taxonomy.  Based on what you have done today and what you understand about Bloom’s Taxonomy, how does graphic help teacher’s make instructional decisions when integrating technology.

Like Bloom’s Taxonomy, technology should be taken in steps and no student should go forward without having basic needs met. While all teachers would love to start at the top of the pyramid (creativity), not all students are at that level. Teachers need to expose their students to the most basic levels of technology before they are able to advance.

Reflect: What tools do you already use?  What do you think you will try next?

Right now, what I use is pretty basic. As previously stated, I use Facebook, Google docs (and it’s powerpoint supplement), YouTube and gmail. When I have a classroom of my own, I think I’m going to try and use Goodreads. One of my college classes had us using Goodreads. While I was opposed to it initially, I ended up enjoying the critiquing process. Even when it was books I didn't like, it felt good to express why I thought Book A was awful. So that’s one thing I would like to try to implement in a classroom.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Free Write

I thought about posting a short story or poem, but most of my work is erotic in nature. One of my favorite short stories is about how Prince seduces some poor fan (the story is called the Purple Man and it is very PG). I would love to post my favorite erotic poem, aptly titled Erotic City, but the last copy was on my old computer which now resides in computer heaven (or hell...there's really no way of knowing). 

So instead of sharing erotic masterpieces, I've decided to share two great movies everyone should see.

Crimes and Misdemeanors

Woody Allen's best movie and perhaps the best movie I've ever seen, Crimes and Misdemeanors masterfully blends two disparate story lines. One narrative focuses on ophthalmologist Judah Rosenthal, who seeks a violent way out of an affair and the other narrative follows disgruntled biographer Clifford Stern, whose attempt to make a meaningful documentary is squandered by his egocentric boss. In less experienced hands, a movie attempting to balance existential drama with quippy comedy would surely collapse under its own ambition and pretension. However, in the hands of Woody Allen, the result is nothing short of spectacular. 

The Descendants 

Alexander Payne first won me over with his 2004 film Sideways. After watching the Descendants, I can confidently say that if Alexander Payne made a movie about dirt, I would be there for the midnight release (but why would a movie about dirt have a midnight release? It's not like there's a built audience for dirt). The Descendants is about Matt King, a lawyer living in Honolulu, who finds out that his comatose wife is going to die. With his two daughters, Matt prepares to tour the islands and tell the families of his wife's fate. Then his oldest daughter Alex reveals to him that his wife had been having an affair. You will laugh and damn it, you will cry over what should have been the best picture of 2012 (the Artist was very good but come on, you can't beat Clooney). 

If you would like any other movie suggestions...feel free to ask. I got lots of suggestions. 


Monday, February 3, 2014

Intro and other thoughts

Greetings everyone.

My name is John. I was born in Fresno California, where I spent the first ten years of my life. I really cannot recall much from those early years other than a few places and even fewer faces. My father hated his job in California, so much so that he moved the family all way across the country to work somewhere else. We moved to Wellington, Florida near the end of 1999. At first, I absolutely resented the move and refused to enjoy my new home. Ten year old me should have lightened up. Looking back, I am grateful that my father moved us.

In my free time I enjoy watching Netflix (like everyone). My favorite television shows are The Office, 30 Rock, and Mad Men. To this day, I am bitter that shows like 30 Rock are off the air but The Big Bang Theory is thriving (no offense to anyone who likes TBBT, just not my cup o' tea). Attempts have been made to watch new shows (Psych currently) but at the end of the day I always end up re-watching the same shows.

Along with television shows, I really enjoy movies. Some of my favorite movies include Drive (obviously), Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Pan's Labyrinth and The Descendants. My goal is to see all the Oscar movies before the award ceremony but I've currently only seen three of the nominees; Her, American Hustle and Gravity. Among those three, Her was the best. If anyone has any movie recommendations, please feel free to share.

Another passion of mine is playing video games. I really enjoy narrative heavy games, especially ones where violence is not the primary playing mechanic (sadly, most mainstream games are first person shooters). I actually didn't play a lot of video games when I was younger, so it's odd that I am an avid gamer now. Some of the best games I've ever played include; Portal 2, Catherine, Bioshock Infinite (and the other two ), Dark Souls and Littlebigplanet. It is exciting to see games being pushed from mindless nonsense to meaningful artistic expressions.

I could go on for days about what I'm into but for now, that is a brief snippet. If anyone wants to dish about music, movies, games and more, feel free to start a conversation. I am always interested in people's likes and why they like them.